Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 16 of 28 Days of Raw & Green Smoothie Challenge

I know it's been almost a week since my last post.  I took a break from blogging to take time to become a bit more quiet and reflect on how and what my body has been telling me about making the change from 80 to 100% raw.

I thought it would be fitting here to let you in on what I have discovered about myself during these past couple of weeks.

As I mentioned when I first set off on this personal challenge, that this was not all about whether I can maintain a 100% raw diet, it was a journey of Self discovery.  Change or challenges, no matter how big or small, have the ability to create such discomfort in all of us.  Understanding Self and how we handle that change will liberate us from the fear that is associated with it.

During this past week my intension was to flow with whatever came my way, not to plan and try to navigate through the things that needed to get done.  What did I discover?  More freedom to just be me and with it an incredible amount of grounding and joy.  The added bonus, much more got done without the drama of having too much on my plate, pardon the pun.

In the kitchen with raw meal planning there was an incredible amount of freedom to keep things simple and nourishing.  I allowed my body to tell me what it needed rather than trying to figure out what I thought my body needed.  A very liberating experience and something I am planning to maintain after my 28 day challenge.

Time has just flown by this past week.

That is what happens when your energy is in balance with the energy that surrounds you. Giving yourself permission to "play" and have fun in what ever you are trying to achieve.

So get out there and have fun rawk'n it out in your kitchen and allow yourself the freedom to just be you!

Take a trip over to my Facebook page and check out what I and others who have embraced the 28 day green smoothie challenge have been up to these past 16 Days.  Perhaps it will inspire you to join us for the remainder of the challenge.  Just click on the following link and it will direct you to the page.  Like, and join in!

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