Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 17 of 28 Days of Raw and Very Curious!

One of my favourite past times while doing my grocery shopping is exploring the different types of fruit that come into the store throughout the winter months.

Why winter?
During the winter if we were to eat locally the only fruit that we would be eating are apples and frozen fruits that we preserved throughout the summer months.  Our growing season in southern Ontario is short and the fruit that are grown locally are pears, apples, apricots, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, plums etc.  As you can see these fruits do not have a long shelf life and must be frozen, for the exception of apple that can be stored under the proper conditions for quite awhile.

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I discovered a display of mangosteens in our local grocery store.  No information on the fruit itself only the label and the price per pound.  Right beside them was also other exotic fruit, such as star fruit and logan fruit (dragon's eye, that is similar to lichee fruit).  I've seen the others fruits before and have tried them too and they are quite good but this was the first time that I have ever found mangosteens.

My curiosity and sense of adventure in trying new things is taking the better part of me so this morning, I'm making a special trip to the grocery store to pick up some of these exotic beauties while available to enjoy as is and in my green smoothies.

Have a wonderful Sunday, stay curious and have fun!


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