Friday, June 22, 2012

Dehydrator will be a humming today!

I think I'm a bit ambitious today and going to fill my dehydrator with some goodies to enjoy throughout the next couple of days.

Going to tweak my essence bread recipe with the sprouted kamut and wheat berries that are ready to go.

Someone asked me about raw pancakes this week and I personally never have made them because they just take so long to dehydrate....but since the dehydrator is going to be a buzzing today I am just going to have to make my own version.

I'm also going to make myself raw energy bars filled with nuts, dates, coconut and sprinkle in maca, cinnamon and of course raw cocoa to enjoy after a great workout or just as a snack.

Better get started so I can enjoy a pancake diner tonight!

Have a totally raw Friday everyone!


  1. Change of plans...instead of making another essence bread I used the sprouted kamut and wheat berries as a base for two new cracker recipes that I have been mulling over for the past couple of weeks.

    Banana pancakes turned out amazing and can't wait to dig in...but will wait till the morning to enjoy these beauties.

    Energy bars...well they will have till wait till next time!

  2. A must try...banana pancakes! Just enjoyed them for breakfast! Easy to make and super delicious!
